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Getting travel insurance

Published: 12 Jul 2022
Next review date: 12 Jul 2028
If you have a terminal illness and would like to go on holiday, it's worth getting travel insurance. Travel insurance offers protection in case something goes wrong when you're away. Here, we talk about getting travel insurance if you have a terminal illness, and how to find an insurance company.

Can I get travel insurance?

It's a good idea to take out travel insurance if you're going on holiday. Travel insurance can pay you money if your luggage is lost or stolen or your trip is cancelled or delayed. Travel insurance also makes sure you can still get medical treatment while you're away.
When you take out travel insurance, any health conditions you have, including a terminal illness, are known as pre-existing medical conditions.
Depending on the insurance company, you may be able to take out travel insurance if you have a pre-existing medical condition. But it could cost you more, or the company might only pay out for certain things. For example, they may pay for lost luggage but not for medical treatment.

Finding an insurance company

Some companies do provide medical cover for people with a terminal illness. This means they'll reimburse you if you have to pay for medical treatment while you're away.
You could speak to a specialist insurance broker. Brokers don't offer insurance themselves but can help you find an insurer.

Taking out travel insurance

When taking out travel insurance, tell your insurer about any treatment you're getting and answer their questions fully. Check whether the insurance policy will give you protection for:
  • medical treatment while you're away
  • medical equipment you're taking with you
  • getting home if you need to come home early
  • cancelling your trip if you become unwell
  • bringing your body home (repatriation) if you die abroad.
You can also check if you're fit to travel by speaking to your doctor. You may have to get a fit to fly certificate from your doctor.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and Global Health Insurance Card

If you travel to countries in the EU, you can take:
  • a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), if you have rights under the Withdrawal Agreement or
  • a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).
The GHIC came in after Brexit, so you're still protected if you travel to the EU after Brexit.
These cards aren't a replacement for travel insurance – you should still get insured before you travel.
An EHIC or GHIC lets you get the same level of healthcare in EU countries as the people who live there. If residents of the country have to pay for some of their treatment, you'll have to pay the same amount.
For most people, UK-issued EHICs or GHICs are not valid in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. But you can use your passport to get treatment in Norway, if it's necessary treatment.
Find out how to apply for an EHIC or GHIC card on the NHS website (see link below).
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Published: 12 Jul 2022
Next review date: 12 Jul 2028

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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