Work and money

Bereavement Support Payment

Published: 14 Mar 2023
Updated: 4 Aug 2024
Next review date: 29 Apr 2025
Bereavement Support Payment is a payment for bereaved spouses, civil partners, or surviving cohabiting partners with dependent children. This includes if you were pregnant when your cohabiting partner died.
We know the application process for benefits can be confusing and may seem daunting, especially when someone close to you has died. That’s why we’ve put together this information about who can claim Bereavement Support Payment, how to claim it and where to get further support.

What is Bereavement Support Payment?

Bereavement Support Payment is a benefit paid to:
  • bereaved spouses and
  • bereaved civil partners and
  • bereaved cohabiting partners with dependent children, including if you were pregnant when your cohabiting partner died.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) defines cohabiting partner as a 'partner that you lived with as if you were married to them'. Bereaved cohabiting partners without dependent children are not eligible for Bereavement Support Payment.
On this page, we usually use the word partner when the information applies to all of the relationships listed above. If the process or eligibility is different because of relationship status, we will use the specific terms in this list.
Bereavement Support Payment is to help with finances. It is not intended to provide a basic income to live on. Instead, it is paid on top of other earnings or benefits.
It is not means-tested. This means whether you can get it, and how much you get, is not affected by your income, savings or investments.

When was Bereavement Support Payment introduced?

Bereavement Support Payment was introduced on 6 April 2017 to replace Bereavement Allowance (previously known as Widow’s Pension), Bereavement Payment, and in some circumstances, Widowed Parent’s Allowance.
The law changed on 9 February 2023 to allow bereaved cohabiting partners with dependent children to apply. If your cohabiting partner died on or after this date, the normal rules and time limits for claiming apply. If your cohabiting partner died before this date, see Backdated Bereavement Support Payment below.

Can I claim Bereavement Support Payment?

You may be entitled to some amount of Bereavement Support Payment if you meet the following eligibility criteria. It is important to seek independent advice from a benefits adviser, who can explain more about your individual situation (see Where can I get more help? below).

Eligibility criteria for you

Your relationship with your partner who died

You and your partner were:
married or civil partners or living together with dependent children **or ** living together and you were pregnant when they died.

Your age and where you live

When your partner died, you were:
  • under State Pension age and
  • living in the UK or a country that pays UK bereavement benefits.
If you turn State Pension age while getting Bereavement Support Payment, it stops – even if you are part way through the payments.

Other criteria

Bereavement Support Payment is not paid if you’re in prison.

Backdated Bereavement Support Payment

You may still be able to claim Bereavement Support Payment if your partner’s cause of death was confirmed more than 21 months after their death. To find out more, call the Bereavement Service helpline in England, Scotland and Wales, or the Bereavement Service in Northern Ireland (see How do I claim Bereavement Support Payment? below).
On 9 February 2023, the rules changed to extend entitlement to cohabiting partners with dependent children. If your partner died before 9 February 2023 but after 6 April 2017, you may be entitled to backdated payments. This depends on the date of your partner’s death and the date you make a claim.

The date of death was on or after 9 February 2023

The normal rules and time limits for claiming apply (see When should I claim Bereavement Support Payment? below).

The date of your cohabiting partner’s death was between 30 August 2018 and 8 February 2023

If you made a claim before 8 February 2024, you may have been entitled to both the lump sum and up to 18 monthly payments.
If you make a claim after 8 February 2024 but on or before 8 November 2024, you may still be entitled to some monthly payments, but not the lump sum.

The date of your cohabiting partner’s death was between 6 April 2017 and 29 August 2018

You will not be entitled to the lump sum.
If you made a claim before 8 February 2024, you may have been entitled to up to 18 monthly payments.
If you make a claim after 8 February 2024, but on or before 8 November 2024, you may still be entitled to some monthly payments. But the amount you get with these payments will be limited.

The date of death was before 6 April 2017

If your partner died before 6 April 2017, you may be able to claim Widowed Parent’s Allowance. You must have at least one dependent child and meet certain other conditions.

How much is Bereavement Support Payment?

The maximum amount that you might be entitled to is a lump sum and up to 18 monthly payments. There are two rates:
  • Lower rate: lump sum = £2,500, monthly payments = £100.
  • Higher rate: lump sum = £3,500, monthly payments = £350.
You’ll get the higher rate if:
  • you get Child Benefit or
  • you do not get Child Benefit, but are entitled to it or
  • you were pregnant when your partner died.
You’ll get the lower rate if:
  • you are a spouse or civil partner and
  • you do not get Child Benefit and
  • you are not entitled to Child Benefit and
  • you were not pregnant when your partner died.

Is Bereavement Support Payment taxable?

No – Bereavement Support Payment is tax free.

When should I claim Bereavement Support Payment?

Claiming the lump sum

You normally have 12 months from the date of the person’s death to claim the Bereavement Support Payment lump sum.

Claiming the monthly payments

You must claim the Bereavement Support Payment monthly payments within three months of your partner’s death to qualify for the maximum 18-month period.

Making a late claim

You can claim up to 21 months after the date of death, but you will receive less money.
You may be able to claim after 21 months have passed if you are a bereaved spouse, civil partner, or cohabiting partner with dependent children (see Backdated Bereavement Support Payment above).

How do I claim Bereavement Support Payment?

  1. Check you’re eligible for Bereavement Support Payment.
  2. If you live in England, Scotland or Wales:
  • Apply online: You can apply online at GOV.UK
  • Apply by phone: call the Bereavement Service helpline on 0800 151 2012, Welsh language: 0800 731 0453; textphone: 0800 731 0464, Welsh language textphone: 0800 731 0456; Relay UK 18001 then 0800 151 2012; or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
  • Apply by post: Download the form from GOV.UK, or contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus to get one through the post. Visit GOV.UK to find your local Jobcentre Plus office.
If you live in Northern Ireland:
  • Apply by phone: call the Bereavement Service on 0800 085 2463, or visit nidirect to access the British or Irish Sign Language video relay services.
  • Apply by post: Visit nidirect to download the form.
  • If you’re transgender, you can also make a claim by emailing: Knockbreda.makethecall.scr@dfcni.gov.uk
The address to send the completed form to is on the form.

Does Bereavement Support Payment affect other benefits?

Bereavement Support Payment will not affect your benefits for a year after your first payment. After a year, any money you have left from your lump sum payment could affect the amount you get if you receive a means-tested benefit. The monthly payments do not affect any means-tested benefits or tax credits.
You must tell your benefits office (for example, your local Jobcentre Plus) when you start getting Bereavement Support Payment.

Existing Bereavement Support Payment claims

If you have any queries about an existing Bereavement Support Payment claim, you will need to contact the relevant department.

England, Scotland and Wales

If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, contact the Bereavement Service helpline:
  • Telephone: 0800 151 2012, Welsh language: 0800 731 0453.
  • Textphone: 0800 731 0464, Welsh language: 0800 731 0456.
  • Relay UK 18001 then 0800 151 2012.

Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland, contact the Bereavement Service:

Where can I get more help?

The benefits system can be complicated, so it’s important you have the right information and advice. Here are some organisations that can provide further support:
  • Citizens Advice has trained advisers you can speak to and provides information on your rights, including benefits, housing, employment, debt, consumer and legal issues. Search the site for your nearest bureau in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Turn2us has a search function to find benefits advisers in your area, and provides people with financial support and information on benefits and grants.
  • Advice NI is the independent advice network for Northern Ireland and provides expert advice on benefits and other welfare rights matters through its Freephone helpline. You can find contact details of local advice services in your area.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support has welfare rights advisers you can speak to, and provides practical, medical and financial support for people affected by cancer.
Our Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309 provides general information about benefits and finances. But we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about your claim, you’ll need to contact the relevant government department.
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Published: 14 Mar 2023
Updated: 4 Aug 2024
Next review date: 29 Apr 2025

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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